All Patron membership options include the same valuable content
Select the minimum amount to join or pay as much as you are comfortable with.
These options are for those who want to give more than the minimum (anything over $7 is optional. Cancel anytime.)
…just wanted you to know that I’m glad to be in the patron program, and feel that it is a good value for me… and very grateful to have you on my team
Patron Membership gives you:
- Private, member-only episodes: A large, continuously growing library of educational audio to help you learn, grow, heal, and evolve.
- Educational workbooks: Downloadable, printable self-help workbooks and eBooks to help you hone in on the areas you want to work on most.
- Discounts on TOB products: Great if you’ve been holding off on purchasing a workbook or program.
- Video Training: Video mini-courses on deeper-level subjects.
To become a sustaining member, click one of the payment options above. You can also click here to make a one-time donation.
Your contribution not only helps us continue to empower you with the tools to help you make the right decisions but it also gives you access to exclusive content you won’t find anywhere else.
Membership Incentives Explained
- Members only private episodes – Get episodes not published anywhere else, not even on the TOB website.
- Deeper Learning Workbooks and Worksheets– Hone in on specific areas of your life to learn, heal, and grow.
- Video Archive – In-depth mini-courses about particular subjects.
All membership options include a no-hassle cancellation policy. If you need to update or cancel your membership, visit the contact page here and read the FAQ for instructions.
If you have any trouble purchasing, updating, or canceling your membership, let me know.
If you have any questions, use the form below.
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